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Calaveras Slot

  1. Calaveras Store
  2. Calaveras South Apartments
  3. Calaveras Softball
  4. Calaveras Slot Machine

Prepareyour bike for loading by removing water bottles, pumps and other loose items thatmight fall off during transit.

Calaveras Store

Notifythe driver that you will be loading your bicycle.
Proceed to load your bicycle on the front of the bus after the driver indicatesthat it is safe to do so. Instructions are posted directly on the rack.

Calaveras Slot

Alwaysload and unload your bicycle from the curb side or directly in front of the bus–never from the street side
This is for your safety and that of others around you.

  1. Calaveras Connect passengers have a convenient way to get around town and help the environment at the same time. Each slot is labeled for front.
  2. He also liked taking vacation cruises to Mexico and Hawaii with his housemates, and playing the slot machines whenever he could. He always looked forward to taking the train solo from Visalia to Modesto, where his sisters, Marilyn or Joan, would pick him up and take him to their homes in Calaveras County or Sacramento.

Calaveras South Apartments

He also liked taking vacation cruises to Mexico and Hawaii with his housemates, and playing the slot machines whenever he could. He always looked forward to taking the train solo from Visalia to Modesto, where his sisters, Marilyn or Joan, would pick him up and take him to their homes in Calaveras County or Sacramento.

Pulldown to release the folded bike rack.
If there are no bikes already on the rack, you will need to lower the rack touse it. Use one hand to pull the handle release to unfold the rack whileholding your bike upright with the other hand. Please refrain from leaning yourbike against the bus.

Calaveras Softball

Loadyour bike in the outside slot first. This is for safe bus operations.
Liftthe bike onto the rack. Secure the wheels into the appropriate slots. Each slot is labeled for front andrear wheels.

Calaveras Slot Machine

Raiseand release the support arm over the front tire.
Make sure the support arm is resting on the tire and not on the fender orframe. Your bike is now securely latched on the rack.
Boardthe bus. Pay your regular bus fare and take a seat, preferably within view of yourbicycle.